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cosmelan peel

Cosmelan Peel

in Huntington Beach

The Cosmelan Peel is a professional-grade chemical peel designed to target and reduce hyperpigmentation, melasma, and other skin discolorations. It is the worldwide leader in chemical peel treatment for hyperpigmentation.

This highly effective peel is suitable for all skin types and utilizes a combination of active evidence-based medical ingredients to inhibit melanin production and improve overall skin tone.

Reduced Hyperpigmentation
Reduction of Hyperpigmentation
Skin Resurfacing
Stimulation of Skin Renewal
Cosmetic Enhancement
Treatment of Melasma
Improved Energy and Vitality
Safe and Effective Treatment
Cosmelan Peel candidacy

Am I a good Candidate for Cosmelan Peel?

Ideal candidates for Cosmelan Peel are individuals with concerns related to hyperpigmentation, melasma, sunspots, or uneven skin tone. Patients who are able to avoid the sun 5-7 days after their treatment, and who can apply sunscreen to protect themselves from every day sun exposure are ideal patients.

Patients who may have tried other treatments with limited success or wish to achieve more dramatic results are excellent candidates for the Cosmelan peel.

Benefits of Cosmelan Peel

The Cosmelan peel reduces hyperpigmentation, melasma, sunspots, and other skin discolorations for a more even and radiant complexion.

The Cosmelan Peel stimulates cell turnover and collagen production for improved skin texture and tone. It works at the source of pigment production to regulate skin pigmentation for near-immediate results as well as long-term results.

The cosmelan peel is Suitable for all skin types (including darker skin tones such as fitzpatrick V-VI)! and can be customized to address specific skincare concerns. Historically, chemical peels have not been used in populations with darker skin tones. Cosmelan peels are safe for patients of all skin tones.

Cosmelan Peel | Haven MD

on the day of Cosmelan Peel procedure

The procedure typically takes 30-45 minutes to complete, depending on the specific treatment plan and desired results.

Patients may be advised to avoid sun exposure and certain skincare products before and after the procedure.

On the day of your procedure, you can expect to arrive at HavenMD with your forms completed to discuss your treatment with your provider. Your provider will review your forms with you and discuss any allergies, active issues that will change your treatment pattern, and any potential contraindications to your cosmelan treatment. Your provider will also give you an estimated pricing for your treatment plan.

Cosmelan Peel | Haven MD

Some things you can do to prepare for your cosmelan peel treatment are to avoid medications that stop platelets from working, such as Aspirin, Aleve, and Ibuprofen/Motrin for 2 days prior, and to avoid drinking more than one alcoholic beverage the night before your cosmelan treatment. Patients can resume normal activities immediately afterward, although care should be taken to protect the area from sweat, trauma or sun exposure.


what to expect from Cosmelan Peel

Patients may experience mild redness, peeling, or sensitivity in the treated area for several days after the procedure. While peeling can happen, it is not extensive. Our patients rarely report needing to trim any excess skin.

Most patients experience mild flaking to no flaking. This likely means flaking is happening in the shower. After your peel has been placed, your provider will ask you to leave the peel in place for a specific amount of time (typically 3-5 hours). Once removed, you will be given instructions on how to use your post-procedural kit, which includes skincare products, a strong tinted sunscreen, and serums to optimize your results. These kits are so popular that many patients want to continue using them well after their Cosmelan treatment! Results become noticeable within a few days to weeks and continue to improve over time, with maintenance treatments recommended for long-term benefits.

We typically see patients in the office 21-30 days after their procedure to assess improvement from the procedure and next steps.


Starting at $1100

members save

Prices for Cosmelan Peel treatments start at $1100, with final costs determined during a personalized consultation.

Contact us to schedule a consultation and receive a more accurate pricing estimate based on your specific skincare needs and goals.


Would definitely recommend 10/10!
HavenMD is amazing!!! Cute, fun, space that you immediately feel relaxed in. I got a facial done by Dr. Mathias and felt absolutely glowing after. She was so gentle and explained everything she was doing step by step. My face has never felt so clean and refreshed
Jessica Paz
Think: nonsurgical face lift for a fraction of the cost!
I was a bit nervous as this was my first consultation, but Dr. Mathias immediately put me at ease. She suggested the pixelated CO2 laser and she did warn me of some downtime after the procedure, but it was 100% worth it. Think: nonsurgical face lift for a fraction of the cost!
Angela Kim
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Results become noticeable within a few days-weeks, with continued improvement over time as pigmentation fades. Your skin takes several weeks to turn over, and for this reason deeper pigmentation may take several weeks to improve. Many patients see immediate improvement, however if your results take a few weeks to show, don’t worry! Every patient is different, and our staff will work with you to help you achieve your best skin.
Discomfort during the procedure is minimal, and most patients tolerate it well with proper preparation and aftercare.
A single treatment may be sufficient for some patients, while others may benefit from a series of treatments spaced several weeks apart for optimal results. Some patients obtain their cosmelan treatment every 1-2 years under the discretion of a trained medical provider.
Yes! The Cosmelan Peel can be adjusted to suit different skin types and concerns, with variations in treatment intensity and duration. In contrast to many medical spa treatments available, the cosmelan peel can be customized to suit any skin type.
While rare, potential risks include temporary redness, peeling, or sensitivity, which are typically mild and resolve on their own.

spa policies

Please arrive 10 mins prior to the start of your treatment to enjoy our relaxation room and fill out any necessary paperwork.

We require a credit card number at the time of booking to hold your appointment. Please give us a 72 hour notice when canceling or rescheduling appointments as a courtesy to our team. No shows and last minute cancelations are subject to full service price charge and a minimum $100 service charge.

We unfortunately no longer accept SpaBoom Gift Cards. We will continue to accept gift cards issued through Boulevard. 


cannot be combined with any other specials or promotions. Both parties must undergo 44 or more units of treatment on the same day in order for the referring patient to receive $100 off of their botox.