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intimate lightening 01

Intimate Lightening

in Huntington Beach

Intimate lightening, also known as Laser based genital bleaching or anal bleaching, is a cosmetic treatment aimed at lightening the skin in the genital, anal and surrounding areas for a more uniform and youthful appearance. The procedure uses a CO2 based laser to regenerate the skin.
Reduced Hyperpigmentation
Reduced Hyperpigmentation
Personal Choice and Empowerment
Personal Choice and Empowerment
Enhanced Sensuality
Enhanced Sensuality
Cosmetic Enhancement
Cosmetic Enhancement
Intimate Lightening candidacy

Am I a good Candidate for Intimate Lightening?

Ideal candidates for intimate lightening are individuals bothered by hyperpigmentation or discoloration in intimate areas and seeking to improve their appearance and self-confidence. They have reasonable expectations for lightening in comparison to their skin tone and follow pre and post procedural care guidelines.

Candidates may have concerns related to aging, hormonal changes, genetics, or previous skin conditions affecting intimate skin tone. This is a very popular treatment for patients looking to rejuvenate their most intimate areas utilizing science and evidence backed recommendations.

Candidates who have undergone laser procedures in their intimate area previously and have experienced darkening after a laser treatment are not good candidates for another laser based treatment to this area.

Benefits of Intimate Lightening

Intimate Lightening Improves skin tone and texture in intimate areas, enhancing aesthetic appearance and self-confidence.

Intimate lightening is a non-invasive approach with minimal discomfort and no downtime.

Intimate lightening is a Safe and effective treatment using gentle lightening agents. Oftentimes a combination of laser treatments and topical treatments are employed to help patients achieve their optimal results.
PRP Injections for joints Haven MD 03

on the day of Intimate Lightening procedure

From walking into our spa to leaving, your visit will be approximately 1 hour-90 minutes. Patients undergo numbing for 30 minutes-1 hour. The area is then cleansed and the laser procedure begins.

Some things you can do to prepare for your intimate lightening treatment are to avoid medications that stop platelets from working, such as Aspirin, Aleve, and Ibuprofen/Motrin for 2 days prior, and to avoid drinking more than one alcoholic beverage the night before your laser treatment.

Intimate Lightening Haven MD
On the day of your procedure, your provider will review any allergies, active issues that will change your treatment pattern, and any potential contraindications to your treatment. Your provider will also give you an estimated pricing for your treatment plan.

Patients may be advised to avoid certain skincare products or medications that can increase the risk of skin irritation before the procedure. This includes retinols, hydroquinones, chemical peel agents, and mild acids such as BHA/AHA. Patients applying retinols to this area are asked not to apply their cream at least 1 week before treatment. Patients applying hydroquinone based creams are asked not to apply their cream 3 days before treatment. Patients are also asked not to undergo chemical peels 2 weeks prior to treatment.

what to expect from Intimate Lightening

After your procedure, your provider will give you everything you need for post procedural care. This includes an occlusive ointment for application to your treated area twice daily. Patients may experience mild redness or sensitivity in the treated area immediately after the procedure, which usually subsides within a few hours.

This is typically described as a sunburn. After the procedure, patients are asked not to engage in sexual activity using the treated area, not to lie in pools, baths or jacuzzis, and not to allow sweat to pool in treated areas for 3-5 days. This is done to minimize the chance of infection. Results become noticeable within a few weeks and can last up to 6-12 months, with maintenance treatments recommended for optimal results. These treatments are typically done in sets of 3 when patients respond well to treatment.


starting at $999

members save

Prices for intimate lightening treatments start at $999-2400, with final costs determined during a personalized consultation.

Contact us to schedule a consultation and receive a more accurate pricing estimate based on your specific needs and goals!


Would definitely recommend 10/10!
HavenMD is amazing!!! Cute, fun, space that you immediately feel relaxed in. I got a facial done by Dr. Mathias and felt absolutely glowing after. She was so gentle and explained everything she was doing step by step. My face has never felt so clean and refreshed
Jessica Paz
Think: nonsurgical face lift for a fraction of the cost!
I was a bit nervous as this was my first consultation, but Dr. Mathias immediately put me at ease. She suggested the pixelated CO2 laser and she did warn me of some downtime after the procedure, but it was 100% worth it. Think: nonsurgical face lift for a fraction of the cost!
Angela Kim
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Results become noticeable within a 2-3 week period, with continued improvement over time.. Similar to laser hair removal, some patients need to undergo more than one treatment before they begin to see results.
Discomfort during the procedure is minimal, and numbing agents are often used for a more comfortable experience. Our staff at HavenMD incorporate a variety of treatments to minimize discomfort. We take great care to personalize every patients’ experience.
A series of 3-4 treatments spaced several weeks apart may be recommended for optimal results.
Yes, intimate lightening can be combined with other treatments, such as laser hair removal or vaginal rejuvenation, for enhanced results.
While rare, potential risks include temporary redness, sensitivity, or irritation in the treated area, which are typically mild and resolve on their own. Patients are asked to avoid sun exposure to the treated area for the first 3-4 weeks after treatment, as delicate skin can darken with the sun’s rays. This is done to minimize any post-procedural side effects.

spa policies

Please arrive 10 mins prior to the start of your treatment to enjoy our relaxation room and fill out any necessary paperwork.

We require a credit card number at the time of booking to hold your appointment. Please give us a 72 hour notice when canceling or rescheduling appointments as a courtesy to our team. No shows and last minute cancelations are subject to full service price charge and a minimum $100 service charge.

We unfortunately no longer accept SpaBoom Gift Cards. We will continue to accept gift cards issued through Boulevard. 


cannot be combined with any other specials or promotions. Both parties must undergo 44 or more units of treatment on the same day in order for the referring patient to receive $100 off of their botox.